L3 Life Learning Leadership's mission is to raise consciousness and funding to fight and eradicate malaria, the largest known killer of children under the age of 5 in Africa. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say - it is by far easier to stop something from happening in the first place than to repair the damage after it happens. Malaria IS a preventable disease. By providing the tools and information necessary to ensure that they are used properly, we CAN and we WILL save lives, one bed net at a time.
We strive to make a difference in the world one bed net at a time. We are working to foster long-term solutions to problems that need resolving, and malaria is a pandemic that we need to put to an end. Our approach to is to utilize our resources to provide Africa with the necessary tools to effectively defeat malaria while saving as many lives as possible. We have hope in a nation that will one day thrive in health. With the defeat of malaria, stimulation of economic growth and reduction of poverty in Africa are within reach .
A sense of responsibility to nurture and contribute to society defines the existence of our organization. At Life Learning Leadership, we are world citizens, as well as a family and community working together to care for the suffering. We hope that communities in Sierra Leone, Kenya, and beyond will benefit from our hard work and dedication to making a difference.
A pledge that is followed by action, which transforms promise into reality. Changing the world is hard work! The work done at Life Learning Leadership requires the highest level of commitment and priority.
A cooperative and creative arrangement allowing teams, individuals, and communities to work together towards a common goal, one which is greater than themselves. All of our community outreach specialists, volunteers, sponsors, and partners are assets to Life Learning Leadership. We admire their skills, abilities, and creativity, and we believe that every team member has something valuable to contribute. By communicating effectively and working together, we can cultivate life-changing acts to save those most at risk for malaria.